God has always revealed Himself to His people through creation, His Word, and ultimately through Jesus Christ. Our response to a Holy God is expressed through worship for who He is and what He has done.  We gather on Sundays as the body of Christ to intentionally focus on Him and be changed by Him as we show gratitude and worship with joy and awe.  

We intentionally sing songs and hymns that have been used by the church for generations while bringing new songs of this generation.

Our praise bands lead the congregation with passion, excellence and humility. Our worship is Christ-centered, biblically-rooted, and servant-led. 

We value participation, not performance. 

We value engaging God, not entertainment.

We value content over style.

We value the public reading of scripture as essential for the gathered church. 

We practice believers baptism and open communion (for all who profess Christ)

Several ways to get involved:

  • Vocalist (and seasonal choir)
  • Band
  • Audio tech
  • Video tech (livestream)
  • Projector operator
  • Creative team

If you're interested in joining the team, please complete the form below.

Here is a playlist of the songs we're singing these days! [Click the bars at the upper right to see the full playlist]

Audio Policy: a.k.a. "Can you turn the music down...or up?"

   Occasionally, we are asked about volume in our worship services. We take the health and comfort of the congregation seriously, and we also understand that everyone's experience, preferences and expectations are different. To that end we have culled research from audiologists and those who design and produce music for public venues as to proper safety levels. For a church with our approach to musical worship, we have set a threshold for our music at a level of approx. 85-90db w/ peaks not over 95db (Weighting - C). The OSHA standard for hearing safety states that hearing is well within safety range for up to 2.5 hrs. at this level (these are the more conservative standards). Of course, our music typically runs from 20-25 mins in a normal service (well below this level and length of time for any potential damage), and our sound techs check the decibel level multiple times in each service. 

   Our approach to worship music is that it would be energetic and full, to enable the congregation to hear both the worship team and able to sing w/out feeling "out of place". Overall, we seek to show grace and generosity toward others with the understanding that we are a diverse body of believers with preferences on both ends of the volume spectrum. We have settled on a range that is both safe and most appropriate for our culture.

Other resources:



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